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Our Services

Kundli Problem

We all have heard about Kundli Doshas before, and they can seem ominous and universal.Determine what specific issue or concern you're facing with your Kundli. It could be related to career, relationships, health, or any other aspect of life.astrologer will study your Kundli to identify planetary positions, aspects, strengths, weaknesses, and any doshas (imbalances) that may be affecting your life.Based on the analysis, the astrologer may suggest remedies such as gemstone recommendations, mantra recitation, rituals, or lifestyle changes to mitigate the negative influences and enhance the positive ones. If you're facing a problem related to your Kundli (birth chart), it's important to approach it with clarity and seek ,appropriate guidance contact Yogeshwar Maharaj Ji

Business Problem

To overcome a business problem, take an early morning bath, offer water to the rising Sun and chant the Gayatri mantra.offers insights and guidance that individuals often seek for addressing various challenges and problems in their lives, including those related to business. Here are some common business problems for which astrology can offer potential solutions.Astrological analysis can help identify periods of financial growth, as well as caution against potential losses or economic downturns. Remedial measures such as gemstone recommendations or performing specific rituals can be suggested to enhance financial stability,.for solution contact Yogeshwar Maharaj Ji


Welcome to Astrology Solutions with Yogeshwar Maharaj, where cosmic alignment meets personalized guidance. Our mission is to provide holistic astrological solutions tailored to your unique journey. With deep-rooted knowledge and intuitive insights, we offer clarity amidst life's uncertainties, empowering you to navigate challenges and embrace opportunities with confidence. Whether seeking answers to love, career, health, or spirituality, our dedicated approach ensures that each solution resonates with your soul's purpose. Trust in the wisdom of the stars as we illuminate your path towards fulfillment, harmony, and success. Together, let us unlock the transformative power of astrology to manifest your dreams and create a life aligned with the universe."

Family Problem

In astrology, solutions to family problems are often sought through understanding the astrological influences affecting the dynamics within the family unit. Here are some common astrological remedies and approaches that may be suggested by an astrologer Yogeshwar Maharaj.Based on the analysis of the birth charts, specific planetary remedies may be recommended. ,These can include wearing gemstones associated with beneficial planets, performing specific rituals or prayers dedicated to certain deities, or practicing specific forms of meditation or yoga to strengthen positive planetary influences.Astrologers Yogeshwar Maharaj may work in conjunction with other mental health professionals to provide holistic support to individuals and families facing challenges.

Vaastu Shastra

According to Vastu Shastra, specific deities rule over each of the eight prime directions Vaastu Shastra solutions within astrology can enhance the holistic approach to providing guidance and remedies for individuals.At Astrologer Yogeshwar Maharaj, we envision a comprehensive approach to guiding individuals towards harmony and prosperity, integrating the timeless wisdom of Vaastu Shastra within the realm of astrology. Our vision is to offer holistic solutions that address not only celestial influences but also the subtle energies of one's living and working spaces. By harmonizing the cosmic forces with the physical environment through Vaastu Shastra principles, we aim to create a balanced and auspicious atmosphere conducive to success, well-being, and spiritual growth.


In astrology, there are various approaches to providing solutions for marriage-related issues or concerns. Here are some common astrological remedies and solutions that Astrologer Yogeshwar Maharaj Ji.Doshas like Mangal Dosha (Mars affliction) or Kaal Sarp Dosha (Rahu-Ketu affliction) can pose challenges in marriage. Remedies like performing specific rituals, wearing prescribed gemstones, or conducting prayers can mitigate the adverse effects of these doshas.It's essential for Astrologer Yogeshwar Maharaj to offer personalized solutions tailored couple seeking marriage-related guidance. Additionally, emphasizing the importance of free will, personal growth, and conscious decision-making alongside astrological remedies can contribute to holistic solutions for relationship harmony and marital bliss.